Where Do You Read?

I try to read everywhere I can. If you look closely at this picture, you may be able to decipher that I took this picture while I was reading in the truck. Can you see my other book sitting on the dashboard there?                                                                                                                                                                                       I try to read every night both aloud to my children and to myself. I often find that reading in bed at night after a very busy day that started at 2:30am isn't the best time for me to read. More times than not once I'm all cozy in my warm bed with a thick wool blanket covering my whole body I start to nod off and reading helps to usher me into a deep sleep. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up with a book on my face, or I've jolted awake when the book hits me in the face. If that's never happened to you, I hope it never does, and if it has happened to you, know that you are not alone.                                                                                                                                                                              I read in the morning in the quiet before my family wakes and before the sun's rays break the lifeless horizon. I read during bumpy truck rides while we are running errands; although I can sometimes get carsick if I don't take frequent breaks to watch the road. I read while I'm waiting for the laundry. I read outdoors, which is probably my favorite place to read. On warm days I read in the shade and on cool days I wrap up in a wool blanket and sit in the sun. I try to keep a book with me at all times because I never know when the opportunity will present itself to allow me to read.

Where are some of your favorite places to read?

