Olive Eggs Have Arrived
Exciting news from our homestead!

While I'm not 100% certain, I'm pretty sure that two of the hens hatched from eggs that Manny laid and one of them hatched from a blue Araucana egg.
We bought Manny from our local feed store in the "Specialty Chick" crate, so we aren't totally sure what she is, but looking at pictures online we have narrowed it down to her most likely being a Black Orpington. We came across a lady who was getting rid of a few extra roosters here locally and we jumped at the change to snag one! She said she had ordered them special and that he was a blue Ameruacana. Mr. Darcey is so very handsome, and he makes beautiful babies. In this picture above you can see Manny's three new chicks (Estelle, Coco, & Mo) that we also bought from a local feed store in September that she fostered after sitting for over 3 weeks on 22 eggs and only 3 or 4 hatched and everyone that did hatch died. Manny is the black chicken, Mr. Darcy is the large rooster next to her, Mini Manny is next to him, behind him is Tallulah and the white hen is Elizabeth.
Now that it's December those chicks that hatched in June are now mature, and the hens (Minni Manny, Elizabeth and Tallulah) have started to lay! To my surprise, they are laying olive-colored eggs!
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