Books I Need to Give a Second Chance

I tried to remember as many of those novels as I could that I was required to read in high school, many of which I didn't read at all, and only skimmed over or books I didn't enjoy whatsoever. I was in a very different place in high school in comparison to where I am today, and I truly feel like I owe it to these books and to myself to reread them since I openly admit that I disrespected during my high school years. 

The bolded titles are ones I have reread or that I'm currently reading since my high school days... 

Of Mice and Men by John Steinback

I have yet to reread this one, but I do remember it being read aloud in class rather vividly. I remember a few shocking scenes, but not much more. I'm sure I'd like the story much more now as an adult than I did a whiney high schooler. Update: My kids, my husband, and I read this book in April of 2024, and we loved it! We immediately watched the movie afterwards and we were pleasantly surprised with how well the film followed the book. I would highly recommend this short book to anyone looking for a great short read. We loved it so much that we picked up Cannery Row, Grapes of Wrath, and we are on the lookout for East of Eden all by John Steinback. 

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

My mom and I have a running joke about this book and about Ethan Frome. I just remember hating this book so much because there was "nothing that happened" in the story. It took me nearly 20 years to reread it and discover there is so much more to it than I got out of my first read. I actually read this one aloud to my kids and my 9-year-old son loved the story. It wasn't until I read How to Read Literature Like a Professor for Kids by Thomas C. Foster that I really understood the even deeper meaning to this story about an old man and the sea! 

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This is one on my TBR list for next year, 2024. I remember I did really like this one, even more than I thought at the time, seeing that I named one of my children after one of the characters from the book! 

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

I'm taking an Introduction to Shakespeare class Spring 2024 so I'm sure I'll be reading this play in a few months. 

The Merchant of Venice by Willilam Shakespeare

I'm sure I'll be reading this one along with Romeo and Juliet. 

Animal Farm by George Orwell

My husband read this one aloud to our kids and we all loved it, not only for the story, but also because my husband doesn't read aloud ever so it was a special experience for us all. This book also prompted some great discussion questions about the Soviet Union, communism and connections with Frida Kahlo! 

Beowulf by Anonymous

We will be reading this one eventually as a family read aloud, but probably not for a few years. I remember being totally overwhelmed by it and I'm not ready to dive into it again. 

Update: I just picked up a copy of Beowulf at my local library's book sale, so it looks like we may try to tackle this monster sooner than later. 

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller 

This is one story I vividly remember falling asleep to while in class and I have yet had the chance to read it, but I will get to it eventually. 

The Crucible by Arthur Miller

I remember very, very little about this story although I do own a copy of it therefore there is no reason why I can't read it next year! 

Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

 I remember that I despised Ethan Frome in high school, but then again, I wasn't a strong reader. You can read more about that in this post. I decided to give Ethan Frome another shot and thought it would be a great winter read. Since we just wrapped up A Christmas Carol and there are still a few weeks left in December I thought now would be a great time to start it and I have to say it's so much better than I remember!

Update: We just finished Ethan Frome and the story is so much better and so much deeper than I remember! My kids and I were able to focus on the hidden meaning of the pickle dish and I absolutely loved what they had to say about it!

The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald

This book has remained my favorite for over 20 years! It was the only book I can recall loving in high school. I did listen to this book as an audiobook on Audible, and it was narrated by Jake Gyllenhaal. It. Was. So. Good. We plan on reading this again as a family read aloud next year and I can't wait! I'm so excited to share my favorite book with my children!

Update: I remembered one more! A Child Called "It" was also a required read, but even though I'm including this book in this post titled "Books I Need to Give a Second Chance," I won't be rereading this one. We read this book aloud in class and this book is much too sad for me to want to read it again. I don't feel the need to read about children being horribly abused. 

Note: I've provided links to some of the items mentioned in this post and these are things, (or similar items) that I have used and enjoyed. If you choose to purchase these items from Amazon, that's great, but just know that I do not expect you do. I buy most of my items second-hand and I hope you can do the same. I've included links to certain items so you can gather more information about the products I'm referring to or you may purchase them new if you wish. Rest assured; I do not earn any commission from your purchases on Amazon for the items I've provided links to. 
