We have a lot of chickens. Like a lot. More than we probably need actually, but I just love them so much that I can't help letting my one hen, Manny, go broody whenever she feels like it. All that to say we currently have four roosters, two of which we will be eating for Thanksgiving, and about 28 hens.
I know what you are probably thinking, "How many eggs does she get every day?"
Well, the answer to that depends on the season. In the spring and summer, we get somewhere around 21 eggs a day and, in the fall, it's closer to nine and, in the dead of winter, on a good day, it might be five but sometimes it's zero.

I know 21 eggs a day sounds like a lot, especially when it's 21 eggs a day for somewhere around 5 months out of the year! I'm sure you are wondering what on earth we do with all those eggs.
We eat eggs often in meals, but we don't eat eggs every single day. I like to make an egg bake, which is basically scrambled eggs in a pan and baked in the oven with cheese, onions, broccoli or bell peppers or whatever else I would normally pair with scrambled eggs.
My family likes me to bake so I use a lot of eggs in baking lemon bars, cookies and breads.
Last year we tried and failed to waterglass about 100 and something eggs but had an egg break and it ruined all the eggs we had preserved. That was difficult for us to see how much food was wasted because of one egg.
It may be surprising to hear but we give away more eggs than we keep. We can't eat them fast enough, especially in the spring and summer. To be clear, we DO NOT sell eggs, but we do share them with our friends and family members. Gifting eggs to my loved ones brings me joy and I'm pretty sure those who receive a dozen of my farm-fresh eggs feel that joy too.
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