October is Finally Here

For Fall lovers like me, October means it's time to bust out the pumpkin decorations, pull out the cozy sweaters, and dust off the Dutch oven in preparation for a slew of one pot meals. It is true sweater weather in my new neck of the woods. Here, in the high desert we have already had three or four consecutive nights of freezing temperatures. As I pull out the fuzzy wool blankets and warm handsewn quilts, I feel the change that comes along with fall. The summer rush is ending, and the slowness of fall begins to fill the crisp air all around me. Sleep comes easy this time of year. October is by far my favorite month of the year; the weather is nice and cool and there are family friendly activities everywhere you turn. This year our calendar is chock-full of fun fall plans for the whole family. Between Pumpkin Festivals, Trunk-or Treats, and book clubs and a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie making play date, our month is sure to be festive!   

Note: I've provided links to some of the items mentioned in this post and these are things, (or similar items) that I have used and enjoyed. If you choose to purchase these items from Amazon, that's great, but just know that I do not expect you do. I buy most of my items second-hand and I hope you can do the same. I've included links to certain items so you can gather more information about the products I'm referring to or you may purchase them new if you wish. Rest assured; I do not earn any commission from your purchases on Amazon for the items I've provided links to. 
