Life Skills Based Homeschool Lessons

I talk to a lot of people about what it's really like living off-grid. If you are interested in learning what life is like living off-grid on a high desert homestead I've got some great lessons for you! Walk through actual situations that my family and I face every day and work on building life skills and stretching your child's critical thinking with these life skill-based lessons. 

First up is Can YOU Hack It in a Tiny House | An Interactive Learning Scenario where children will immerse themselves in what a day in the life of living in an off-grid tiny house is really like. Many things are taken for granted when you live in a standard home, but when you live in an off-grid tiny house certain things need to be thought through in great detail. 

Examples include: Where do you get drinkable water? Where do you go when you have to go? Where does your power come from and what items should you avoid using when you aren't connected to a standard grid? All these questions are covered and then some in this interactive lesson.  

In our family we believe learning survival skills is important for children and adults alike, but sometimes learning the skills may come across as less than exciting, which is why we love to teach our children such skills as if they were in an actual situation, and you can do with this next lesson. 

Can YOU Survive an Unexpected Night in the Cold | An Interactive Learning Scenario where children are placed in a hypothetical hiking situation. This lesson is meant to simulate what would happen if your family was out for a hike, but you were unable to get back to your vehicle before nightfall. Your child is put in the driver's seat as the access the situation and use critical thinking skills to make an educated decision on what they should do next, and they will discover if their choices lead them to safety or danger!

On our homestead we often have many more chickens than we need, and chickens at all stages of life. Older hens, hens sitting on eggs, baby chicks, and plenty of pullets. If your family is thinking about starting a flock of your own but want to learn more about what you're getting yourselves into, this next lesson is perfect for you! 

Can YOU Raise Chickens from Egg to Eggs? | An
 Interactive Learning Scenario
Children will be presented with multiple scenarios, similar to the above lesson where they will need to navigate difficult situations in a manner, they believe is best. This highly interactive lesson is sure to be an eye opener for those interested in raising their own chickens! 

Examples include: How to start your flock? Where to keep your chicks? What to do if a chicken dies? What to do for your chickens' shelter? What to do with all your eggs, and more!

One of my favorite things to do is grow my own fruits and veggies and preserve them! Pickles are yummy from the store, but no store-bought jar can beat a homegrown batch of dill pickles, especially when you have grown the cucumbers and the dill from seeds! If your family has been interested in learning more about the water-bath canning process, be sure to check out this lesson!

Examples include: What food to can using the water-bath method? Where to gather the food you plan to can? What tools are needed for the water-bath canning process? What jar size is appropriate for the food being preserving? 

You can find all four of these lessons in an Interactive Life Skills Bundle here at TpT: 

Or, if you'd rather just purchase one lesson and see if it's a good fit for your family you can do that as well. Whatever you choose to do, even if it's researching these subjects without purchasing any of these lessons, I hope it's a great learning experience for you and/or your family! 


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